Team Time Tracking, Part 3: Easy Team Timesheets
Do you see how the “Move To” option is filled with the original project? This alerts Chrometa as to how to organize a specific keyword that you’ve filled in on this screen.Essentially, you’re telling Chrometa “every time you see me working on this keyword, I want you to assign it to this project.” Simple to understand and easy to implement.Other options, such as “apply to the past 90 days,” will give you some flexibility and power when organizing specific keywords into their appropriate project names.It’s really that easy to ensure that Chrometa is organizing all of your timekeeping information properly. We recommend giving Chrometa a look every so often to make sure that it’s assigning the right projects to the right events—though this will mostly apply in the beginning as you acclimate yourself to the program. As your team gets more experienced in using Chrometa, you’ll better understand how it organizes different file types into different projects and won’t have to review your data nearly as often.
Keywords: Tips and Tricks
Still not sure how to properly utilize the power of keywords with Chrometa? Here are a few tips and tricks to make sure that every project goes smoothly:
- Start by identifying common keywords, file types, and subjects. Since Chrometa gets its informations from file names and email subjects, you’ll want to recognize which common keywords belong to which project. You should also keep this in mind when you’re corresponding on a particular project. For example, don’t just send an email with the subject “Details.” Instead, what about “Details – Peterson Project”? Not only will that enhance the organization of your emails, but it will ensure that Chrometa knows exactly what you’re working on. Make a habit of this and it you’ll barely have to spend any time keeping track of your time.
- Don’t make your keywords too common. If you’re managing multiple projects across multiple team members, then you don’t want keywords to be too common. “Design” is a poor keyword, for example. Instead, you want client-specific pronouns such as a client’s last name so that you avoid any redundancy. Make sure to pay attention to this should it comes time to review your timesheets and you need to know where to enter in some time manually. This isn’t always necessary, but it’s something to keep in mind just in case.
- Remember: you can always retroactively change things. You don’t have to manually update every single piece of a project. You can use a 90-day retroactive feature when adding a new keyword to ensure that anything you’ve been working on in the past 90 days is accurately filed by Chrometa. The beauty of Chrometa is that it works without you having to do anything, so avoid the temptation to constantly manage your dashboard.
- Total amount of project due
- Invoice issued date
- Due date for payment (can be calculated via your own input terms)
- Time by client
- Time by project
- Time by day
- Don’t mess with the variables. The template invoice we’ve created for you already has the proper variables included. Unless you consider yourself an expert at this sort of thing, we recommend that you simply input some simple information, like your address, and include a nice, polite note to your client. There’s no reason to make an invoice any more complicated than it needs to be.
- Run some tests first. Don’t try your first attempt at an invoice or a graph on a client. Instead, give it a test first—just as you’ve tested out many of these features with the free trial. This will help ensure that you know what you’re doing when the time comes for a real report or invoice.
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